As you may have seen in the news lately, several members of TCC’s faculty and staff were recognized during the annual Chancellor’s […]
Honors and Awards
Toro Touts
Toro Touts is back to bring you even more exciting news from the TCC community! This month we take a […]
Check out our new column Toro Touts, where you can stay abreast of happenings in the TCC community. We invite […]
SE Scores Another Award for Fourth of July Float
For their 17th consecutive year, TCC Southeast Campus volunteers brought it home again. They won second place in the “Non […]
Number Three Important to Success
As a span of time, three weeks can seem like an eternity or it can whisk by. It often depends […]
South Campus Remembers the Dream with a Celebration
Although the Martin Luther King, Jr. “Remembering the Dream” celebration at the South Campus was a couple of days after […]
TCC Recognized for Inclusion
Tarrant County College’s dedication to strengthening equity by fostering an environment of inclusion throughout the District recently was recognized by […]
Forensics Teams Big Winners at Newbie Novice Tournament
Congratulations to Trinity River and Northeast campuses’ forensics teams who recently took top honors at the Newbie Novice Speech and […]
TREC Honored for Environmental Impact
Trinity River East Campus, within its first month of operation, has been recognized for how it protects its environment both now […]