Wow, who would have ever thought I would see the day that student interaction within the higher education realm would transition from in person to online. I never thought I would see on-campus events cancelled as well as strategizing and exploring other means to interact with students done from the comfort of my own home.

I have approached the transition to online with full excitement because of all the possible ways to reach and engage with our students. Going virtual gives the students who work in my office an even greater sense of purpose and renewed vigor to implement new and creative ideas that can assist students during this transition.
In terms of the work we do, it doesn’t stop, nor does the need decrease. In fact, it has increased, particularly with the students served by my office. During times like these you must look at all the positives – I’m still employed, in good health, get to spend more time with my family and do some self-reflection. Most importantly, I get to be part of history, an era that the world hasn’t seen, discovering new methods of engagement for higher education.
This challenge, and yes, it is a challenge, is so fun, because I love to try new things, and this situation has fostered an atmosphere for creative minds to explore. Although I really miss the in-person interactions with the students, faculty and staff, I look forward to see how the landscape of higher education changes for the future, and I get to be a part of it! So everyone, stay safe and keep moving forward and know that the Intercultural Network is here for you!
The coordinator of Intercultural Network at TCC Trinity River, Dantrayl Smith loves to workout (six days a week), travel (visited 38 out of the 50 states) and spend time with his family. His passion is working with students and helping them succeed.