How Are You Spending Winter Break?

Hot cocoa and lap dogs
Many of you are planning to spend some quality "pack time" with the dogs and the remote during the break.

Whether you use it for traveling, relaxing or just beginning to mark off the final year on your Mayan calendar, your well-deserved Winter Break is almost here. We asked about your holiday plans on the TCC Facebook page and received some interesting responses. We weren’t trying to keep tabs on you. We were just fishing for ideas.

And the Survey Says:

Rest and relaxation were the dominating themes, with many of you planning to reward yourselves with a little time to unwind and to gear up for the next semester. Settling down for a long winter’s nap seemed to be a popular option, although the definition of “long” seems to vary. Tiffani Covais said she’s looking forward to sleeping past 5 a.m.

Forming a TCC-student-shaped indention in the sofa while watching a few movies also scored high on our informal survey. Paula Strittmatter said, “Can’t wait to cozy up under a blanket, with hot cocoa and a movie, for at least two or three days after exams.” Around here, we’re never sure if the temperature’s going to be 17 or 70. So be prepared to substitute shorts and a Slurpee for that blanket and hot cocoa.

No Rest for the Weary

Winter Break doesn’t always mean rest and relaxation. Many of you said you’d either be working or trying to find work over the break. And the holidays seem to be especially hard on our nursing students. Charlotte Lawrence, Christy Holland Spooner and Ruth Nyamete posted plans to study for entrance exams, read textbooks or apply to nursing school while the rest of us are relaxing, partying or a-wassailing. And some real overachievers like, Misael Giron and Earl Alzner, posted that they were signing up for one of our TCC WinterMester classes, mini-courses which convene over the break. Wait a minute; didn’t Earl Alzner play Santa in the movie Elf?

There’s No Place like Somewhere Else for the Holidays

While many of you said you were sticking close to home over the break, some of you have plans to hit the road. Preferred destinations ranged from Disney World to the Rocky Mountains. For those of you who are staying here and longing for a mountain view, you can take in the breathtaking vista of the big hill with the Channel 11 TV tower from Interstate 30.

Regardless of how you plan to spend your Winter Break, please be careful and come back safely. And keep an eye out for Chelsea Oakley. She said she’ll be working on getting her driver’s license.