TCC Publications Win Multiple Awards in Statewide Competition

Two student led publications won 30 awards at the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention held in Fort Worth last week.

TCC’s newspaper, The Collegian, took home 24 awards, including first in Best in Show for a Newspaper in their division and second place in Overall Excellence for a newspaper.

“I’m so proud of The Collegian staff,” said Chris Whitley, director of student publications. “They work hard each week, staying long after most students go home, to put together The Collegian. So, to see them get recognized among the best of Texas college media is gratifying.”

In addition, The Collegian editor-in-chief, Alex Hoben, was named Photojournalist of the Year.

“I was incredibly honored to receive the Photojournalist of the Year for two-year schools,” said Hoben. “The absolute joy I felt hearing, not only my team at The Collegian, but also the team of the TCC Trinity River literary magazine, cheering me on to receive it will stay with me for the rest of my life.”

Hoben went on to say the award she was most proud of as editor-in-chief was first place in Best of Show for newspapers in Division Two. “I am so happy to have this opportunity to show the rest of the state the prowess that we as a newspaper crew have across the board.  I know we showed the rest of the state how amazing The Collegian is and how much we are committed to producing top-quality publications to bring the national and global news to the TCC community.”

Along with the awards won by The Collegian and its staff, TCC Trinity River’s literary magazine, Roots & Reflections, won six awards, including first place awards for Feature Photo and Illustration and second place in Overall Excellence awarded to the entire magazine staff.

According to co-adviser, Jerrica Jordan, this was the first year the magazine was entered into the competition. “We hope to continue in the future,” she said.

Jordan, who advises on the literary and editing portion of the magazine, said, “Our students proved themselves strong in these areas, with two students placing in the literary writing contest. These students were competing against others from 43 colleges and universities from around the state, so these awards definitely show how impressed the judges were with their writing submissions.”

Speaking of TCC’s competition, Whitley said, “Our divisio:n at TIPA includes both two-year and four-year schools, including Rice, Lamar and Stephen F. Austin, so, it’s not easy to win anything. It’s a credit to our students. They’re just amazing.”

The Collegian:

Roots & Reflections: