Professor Sheffield Completes Texas Master Naturalist Program

In order to gain a greater understanding about our area’s environment, Ping-Sha “Pansy” Sheffield (Biology) embarked on an impressive professional development project through the Texas A&M Extension Service and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

“I am proud to have graduated from the Cross Timbers Texas Master Naturalist class because it’s the beginning of a new chapter of learning for myself,” she wrote. “My graduate degree is in Physician Assistant Studies, but my current professional goals are to learn about our environment and share that passion with my students.”

Sheffield said she took the class for both professional and personal reasons.  “Professionally, it will give me more knowledge and experience to share with my students.  Personally, I enjoy and love the outdoors and find it fascinating,” she said.  “As I continue to learn more through this class and continued education, on my own accord and through TCC classroom endeavors, I’ll better understand what I’m seeing and hearing every time I’m out in nature.”

Thankful that her personal passion can be carried out and fulfilled at TCC, Sheffield said, “I’m hoping to help South Campus bring the classroom outdoors.”