Check out our new column Toro Touts, where you can stay abreast of happenings in the TCC community. We invite you to submit the latest from your corner of TCC by submitting a News Alert form. After catching up, take a few moments to applaud your colleagues featured here by submitting a comment in the space provided below.
Eason Inducted into 2012 TxDLA Hall of Fame
TCC Distance Learning Director Kevin R. Eason was inducted as the 2012 Texas Distance Learning Association Hall of Fame honoree during the 2012 Annual TxDLA Conference in Dallas. The Hall of Fame Award recognizes long-term distance-learning practitioners whose careers are characterized by exceptional commitment and enduring impact in the field of Distance Learning.

McClendon Receives LEAD Scholarship
Vice Chancellor for Finance Mark McClendon is the recipient of a $3,000 scholarship awarded by North Texas Leaders and Executives Advocating Diversity (LEAD) to attend North Texas Commission’s Leadership North Texas Program. Leadership North Texas is a graduate-level, regional leadership program designed to recruit, develop and support leaders who have a commitment to civic engagement and to the North Texas region.
“The support from LEAD is greatly appreciated and reflective of the importance of diversity at Tarrant County College and in our community,” said Chancellor Erma C. Johnson Hadley, who serves on the LEAD board. “Partnerships like this make Tarrant County a great place to live and work.”
North Texas LEAD is an organization where candidates meet Chief Executive Officers, Human Resources Vice Presidents and other hiring officers in their search for the perfect job. While they are not an employment or staffing agency, they partner with major employers located throughout North Texas whose leadership embraces workplace diversity.

Coronado Appointed to CUPA-HR Board
Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Ricardo Coronado was recently appointed to a three-year term on the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) board of directors. Coronado, a 15-year CUPA-HR member, has served on the association’s Economic Issues Task Force and delivered a number of presentations at CUPA-HR conferences. Prior to joining TCC in 2004, Coronado served for 21 years at McLennan Community College, first as director of Human Resources/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) officer and then as associate dean of Workforce Education/EEO officer. He has also served for four years as manager of Human Resources and Organizational Development for the Brazos River Authority.

Bowen Honored for Service
The Texas Association of College and University Police (TACUPA) Administrators recently awarded South Campus Police Officer Sergeant Gregory Bowen the Larry W. Fultz Memorial Award for Excellence at its annual conference in Fort Worth. In 1999, Bowen was hired by Chief James Harris as a patrol officer for Tarrant County Junior College. He now serves as Trinity River East Campus Police Supervisor and coordinator of TCC’s specialized bike patrol unit. Bowen is also a member of the International Police Mountain Bike Association and a College for Kids law enforcement instructor. TCC is the first two-year college to host the TACUPA conference in conjunction with the Southwest Region of International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators where Bowen received his award.

Menchaca Earns TACHE Award
Trinity River Associate Professor of Pyschology Hector Menchaca recently was presented the Distinguished Community College Faculty Award at the 37th Annual Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education Conference in Galveston. The monetary award of $1,000 recognizes superior levels of professionalism and accomplishment in the areas of teaching, research or service.
WiNR Presents in Austin
Triesha Light, South Campus Associate professor of psychology and Women in New Roles Coordinator, and other TCC faculty presented “WiNR Coalition: More Than a Handshake” at the 34th annual National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) International Conference on Teaching and Leadership Excellence in Austin. Other presenters included Ann Nguyen, Southeast Campus advisor; Sherri Mata, TCC Achieving the Dream Director; and Paula Vastine, Northeast Campus Student Development Services Director. Events, projects, and the mission of WiNR were discussed.
Submitted by Anna Frankie Farrar-Helm,
a summer intern in Public Relations and Marketing,
where she enjoys learning about TCC happenings
and sharing them with others.