Ever thought of a great idea of how to get something done better? But then, got caught in the murk and mire of trying to figure out how to make the change happen?
At Tarrant County College, one day that may no longer be a problem. TCC’s Board of Trustees at a recent workshop took a look at the proposed Innovation Forum, a welcoming place where you may bring your idea. Once there, you will have a chance to champion your idea as it flows through a transparent process that nurtures accountability in a consistent way.
The proposed Innovation Forum would provide a systematic way to evaluate the creativity percolating among faculty and staff throughout the District, providing feedback to assist with their development so the best practices can be instituted in the most effective, efficient ways.
“What is so appealing about The Innovation Forum is that it allows us to reduce costly duplication of effort and build opportunities for collaboration that span campus and office barriers,” said TCC Chancellor Erma Johnson Hadley. “The ability to identify similar ideas and pull their creators together early in the incubation process will allow Tarrant County College to gain the full benefit of our wealth of knowledge and expertise.”
The Innovation Forum is one of 14 priority recommendations stemming from BOKA Powell’s development of TCC’s Institutional Planning Model to maximize student success and prepare for rising enrollments.
The expansion of Math Emporiums launched this fall on each campus to 100-seat learning emporiums with the consideration of one day operating two 500-seat learning emporiums was also among BOKA Powell’s recommendations. Other recommendations included expanding dual credit programs, implementing more early college programs, investing in technical programs and evaluating existing degrees to determine relevance.