Success at Work: Dulce Gonzalez Zamora

Sometimes opportunity knocks. Sometimes you do.

After six years with ABM Industries, Dulce Gonzalez Zamora joined Tarrant County College Northeast this summer as an administrative assistant in Student Success and Advising — all because of relationships she developed working for TCC’s janitorial services provider.

“I was looking for better opportunities,” she said. “TCC can help me grow as a person and help me pursue my educational goals.”

At ABM, Zamora trained new staff, oversaw daily projects, filled in for team members, and trained staff in best practices for new equipment and supplies. Her time knocking on doors for ABM paid off in several ways.

“I developed relationships with people in various TCC departments,” she said. “Some of them encouraged me to seek employment with the College because of my professionalism.”

She applied for several openings that fit her skill set. More than one department expressed interest.

She chose Student Success and Advising at TCC Northeast where she serves as an administrative assistant. “I felt that I could make a more significant impact working with students face to face rather than in a department with less student contact.”

Dr. Condoa Parrent, director of Student Success and Advising, considers Dulce “a wonderful addition to the team.” She praises Dulce’s knowledge of the campus and ability to direct students to the correct building. “Dulce has a kind and caring attitude and is a joy to work with.”

Teammate and fellow administrative assistant Rebecca Holguin agrees. “Dulce has a warm and generous spirit.” She describes Dulce as attentive to detail, professional, kind, patient and hardworking.

“I know that when Dulce is helping students or staff members at the Northeast campus, they are in very capable hands,” Rebecca said.

Next up for Dulce: classes at TCC. “I want to grow in my position and expand my knowledge and skills.”

Can’t knock that.