TCC Board of Trustees to Meet February 20

Supporting materials for the Board meeting will be provided on the Board Meetings Web page. Once the meeting has begun, streaming video of the proceedings will also be available.

Take notice that a Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Tarrant County College District will be held in the District Offices, 1500 Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas, 76102, commencing at 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 2020, to consider and act on the following Agenda:


  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment/Special Presentation (No presentation shall exceed three minutes.)
  3. Board Business Items and Announcements
    1. Approval of December 12, 2019, Meeting Minutes
    2. Trustee Activities
  4. Consideration and Approval of Consent Agenda
    1. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Policy Additions/Revisions to DEA (LOCAL) Substitute Faculty Pay
    2. Consideration and Approval of Final Deductive Change Order with Mart, Inc. for Southeast Campus Exterior Door Access Control Project
      Credit: -$74,951.28
  5. Consideration and Approval of Individual Action Items
    1. Consideration and Approval of the Student Fees for 2020-2021
    2. Consideration and Approval of Funding for Cooperative Renewal Agreements for District Furniture Purchases
      Amount: Not to Exceed $2,500,000.00
    3. Consideration and Approval of Annual Renewal Professional Services Agreement with ABM Texas General Services to Provide District Grounds Services
      Amount: $492,807.36
    4. Consideration and Approval of Contract with GFC Contracting to Provide South Campus Welding Technology Lab Expansion
      Amount: $2,569,798.08
    5. Consideration and Approval of Contract with Infinity Contractors to Provide Southeast Campus Cooling Towers Replacement Installation
      Amount: $1,857,343.85
    6. Consideration and Approval of Trinity River Campus Medium Voltage Electrical Distribution System Studies and Replacement of West Fork Transformer
      Amount: Not to Exceed $500,000.00
    7. Consideration and Approval of South Campus Roof Replacement on South Health Physical Education Building
      Amount: $185,470.00
    8. Consideration and Approval of Contract with Cable’s Plumbing to Provide South Campus Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II
      Amount: $146,568.29
    9. Consideration and Approval of Contract with Solid Border for Subscription Services and Annual Maintenance Renewal for Palo Alto Firewall Devices
      Amount: $197,431.00
    10. Consideration and Approval of Contract with General Datatech to Purchase District Upgrading Network Switches and Wireless Access Points
      Amount: $910,567.72
  6. Monthly Financial Report
    1. Financial Summary Update/Review of Income and Expenditures
    2. Review of Investment Portfolio
  7. Chancellor’s Report
    1. New Staff Member Introductions
    2. College Accolades
    3. Recent Activities
  8. Closed Session
    The Board will conduct a closed meeting in order to discuss matters permitted by the following sections of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

    1. Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney
      To seek the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, settlement offers, or any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the District under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

      1. Legal issues regarding any item listed on today’s District Board Meeting agenda.
    2. Section 551.072, Deliberations Regarding Real Property
      Deliberate the purchase, sale, exchange, lease or value of real property where deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the District in negotiations with a third party.
    3. Section 551.074, Deliberations on Personnel Matters
      Deliberate appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee.
    4. Section 551.076, Deliberations on Security Devices or Security Audits
      Deliberate regarding the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel or devices.
    5. Legal issues related to Investment Policy

    The Board may reconvene in open session and act on any item listed on the Executive Session Agenda in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.

  9. Consideration and Action on Closed Session Items
  10. Adjournment and Announcement of Next Meeting
    1. Work Session Meeting: March 5, 2020
    2. Board Meeting: March 19, 2020

For requests for ADA accommodations, call 817-515-5242, 817-515-5187 (TTY), or email

Posted 4:40 p.m. on February 17, 2020

Media Contact: 817-515-5212