Uncensored Mob Speaks Out

Some oldies but all goodies. America’s best-banned books celebrated flash mob-style Wednesday afternoon at Tarrant County College Trinity River campus as students, staff and guests rose to read from their favorites against a backdrop of hungry diners and curious onlookers outside the College’s Riverfront Café.

Running September 23-29, Banned Books Week is an annual celebration of the freedom to read and a reminder that everyone needs to speak out against the tide of censorship.

“This event embodied the theme of this year’s celebration of the freedom to read, showing how individuals joining voices together to speak out ensures all stories continue to be heard,” said Susan Smith, director of library services at the Tahita Fulkerson Library.

“Banned Books Week gives everyone a chance to celebrate their story,” explained Charles Brownstein, chair of the Banned Books Week Coalition (BBWC) committee. “The courageous students, teachers, librarians and authors who stand up for challenged ideas remind us that intellectual freedom is our birthright.”

Learn more about the Top 10 Challenged Books of 2017 at http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/NLW-Top10 and the challenges facing America’s libraries at http://www.ala.org/news/state-americas-libraries-report-2018.