TCC Board of Trustees to Meet April 21

FORT WORTH, Texas (April 15, 2016) Supporting materials for the Board meeting will be provided on the Board Meetings Web page. Once the meeting has begun, streaming video of the proceedings will also be available.

Take notice that a Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Tarrant County College District will be held in the District Offices, 1500 Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas, 76102, commencing at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, 2016, to consider and act on the following Agenda:


  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment. (No presentation shall exceed three minutes.)
    1. Recognition of Outgoing JCC Officers and Members
  3. Board Budget Workshop I
  4. Presentation on Student Access and Success Information and Administrative Programs and Projects
    1. Trinity River Campus
    2. College Readiness
  5. Board Action Items and Board Business Related Items
    1. Approval of Minutes of the Meetings:
      1. March 24, 2016
  6. Consent Agenda
  7. Consideration and Approval of Items removed from the Consent Agenda
  8. Committee Reports
    1. Audit & Finance Committee
    2. Governance Committee
    3. Institutional Planning Committee
  9. Consideration and Approval on Committee Recommendations
  10. Tarrant County College Police Department 2015 Annual Traffic Contact Report
  11. Consideration and Approval of Job Order Contracting General Contractor Services Agreement with Chambers Engineering for Construction of Electrical Equipment Mezzanine for Building Services Power Plant South Campus Amount: $437,187.68
  12. Consideration and Approval of BuyBoard Cooperative Agreement with Enviromatic to Provide Equipment and Installation to Upgrade Building Automation System to Reliable Controls for Multiple Buildings on Northeast Campus Amount: $603,007.00
  13. Consideration and Approval of Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Service Authorization Agreement with Komatsu Architecture to Provide Furniture Assessment For Northeast Campus Amount: $143,350.00
  14. Consideration and Approval of Purchase Equipment, Parts and Systems to be installed in Forty (40) Classrooms Districtwide with Pathway Communications Amount: $420,632.00
  15. Consideration and Approval of Purchase of Network Equipment from General Datatech Amount: $427,129.90
  16. Consideration and Approval of Five-Year Contract with TelePacific Communications for Updated Unified Communications Services Amount: $436,725.00 (5-Year Total)
  17. Monthly Financial Report
    1. Financial Summary Update
    2. Review of Income and Expenditures
    3. Review of Investment Portfolio
  18. Chancellor’s Report
    1. New Staff Member Introductions
    2. Accolades/Data Points
    3. Recent Activities
      • March 28, Meeting with University of Texas at Arlington President, Dr. Vistasp Karbari, UT Arlington
      • March 29, Chancellor’s Executive Leadership/Joint Consultation Committee Meeting, Trinity River Campus
      • March 30, Meeting with Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price, City Hall
      • March 31, Meeting with Ed Bass and Johnny Campbell, Wells Fargo Tower
      • March 31-April 2, Board of Trustees Institute, Santa Fe, NM
      • April 4, –Remarks– Skills Development Workforce Commission Check Presentation, TCC Opportunity Center
      • April 7, Arlington ISD Technical Center Groundbreaking, Arlington ISD
      • April 9-12, American Association of Community Colleges Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
      • April 13, Fort Worth Charity Powerful Purses Luncheon, Fort Worth Club
      • April 14, Governance Committee Meeting, May Owen Center
      • April 15, –Remarks– Dong Nai Technology University Delegation Visit, Trinity River Campus
      • April 15, Strategic Planning Session Meeting with CrossGroup Mark Cook, May Owen Center
      • April 18, Community College Association of Texas Trustees Regional Meeting, Trinity River Campus
      • April 19, Institutional Planning Committee, May Owen Center
      • April 19, Strategic Planning Session with Chancellor’s Executive Leadership Team and Joint Consultation Committee, Trinity River Campus
      • April 20, Student Learning and Success Council Meeting, Trinity River Campus
      • April 21, Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting, May Owen Center
  19. Board President’s Report
    1. Board of Trustees Institute
    2. Chancellor Search Update
  20. Closed Meeting:
    1. Deliberation Real Property, Section 551.072, Texas Government Code. The Real Property discussion will address the purchase, improvement, exchange, lease or value of Real Estate to include recommendations from the Institutional Plan (Facilities and Academics Plan).
    2. Deliberation on Personnel Matters, Section 551.074, Texas Government Code.
    3. Consultation with Attorney, Section 551.071, Texas Government Code. For purposes of a private consultation with Board’s Attorney on any subjects or matters authorized by law. The deliberation will include any Pending/Contemplated Litigation.
  21. Consideration and Action on Closed Meeting Items
  22. Adjournment and Announcement of Next Meeting: May 19, 2016

For requests for ADA accommodations, call 817-515-5242, 817-515-5187 (TTY), or email

Posted: 4:30 p.m., Friday, April 15, 2016


Media Contact: 817-515-5212