Video commentaries describing the attributes of TCC faculty and staff honored at the recent Chancellor’s Employee Appreciation Breakfast are now available for viewing. Featuring comments by campus presidents, other members of the Chancellor’s Executive Leadership Team and supervisors, these videos have been posted on the TCC Trailblazers YouTube channel. Follow this link to learn more about the work done by the recipients of the first Distinguished Leadership Award. You can also hear about the five TCC faculty members, three staff members and two project teams who also were recognized for their outstanding dedication and commitment.
Chancellor’s Distinguished Leadership Award
Leadership award recipients by campus: Northeast Campus Department Chair and Professor Marius Pfeiffer and Associate Professor Jean Maines; Northwest Campus Department Chair and Assistant Professor Dena Berg and Associate Professor Amy Mullen; South Campus Department Chair and Professor Lisa Johnson, and Instructors Roni Crotty and Kristina Miranda; Southeast Campus Department Chair and Professor Hung Vu and Instructors Carmen Goudeau and Shahdi Jalilvand Trinity River Campus Department Chair and Instructor Sophia Garcia and Instructor Allison Silveus.
Chancellor’s Award for Exemplary Teaching

Karen Silverberg
Professor and Coordinator
of Paralegal Studies

Carol Hunsberger
Speech Instructor

Shelli Hull
Chemistry Professor

Jamie Perrin
Dance Instructor

Nancy Kupper
Associate Nursing Professor
Chancellor’s Employee Excellence Awards

Alisa Jones, South Campus director of continuing education services
Natalie Johnson, South Campus associate professor of mathematics

Margaret Lutton
Director of Strategic Project Development

Robert Bauer, manager of Application Software and Programming
Ami Dominguez, graduation outreach specialist
Daniel Lopez, programmer analyst

Ayyoub Ajmi
Manager of Library Technology

Southeast Student Success Team
Charles Smith, coordinator of the Learning Center
Lisa Erwin, academic advisor
Sonya Splane, coordinator of Student Support