FORT WORTH, Texas (Oct. 17, 2011)
Supporting materials for the Board meeting will be provided on the Board Meetings Web page. Once the meeting has begun, streaming video of the proceedings will also be available.
Take notice that a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Tarrant County College District will be held in the District Offices, 1500 Houston Street, Fort Worth, Texas, 76102, commencing at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, 2011, to consider and act on the following Agenda:
- Call to Order
- Public Comment. (No presentation shall exceed three minutes)
- Consideration and Action on Appointment of District 2 Trustee to the TCC Board of Trustees
- Presentation on Student Access and Success
- Northeast Campus, Haltom City Northeast Center Takes Off
- Board Action Items and Board Business Related Items
- Approval of Minutes of the meetings of September 15, 2011
- Consideration and Action on a Resolution and Order Modifying Trustee Election Date
- Consent Agenda
- Consideration and Approval on Proposed Policy Changes to CAL (LEGAL)
- Consideration and Approval on Trial Easement Agreement with Tarrant Regional Water District on Northwest Campus
- Consideration and Approval on Extension of Notice to Proceed and Contract Authorization with BOKA Powell
- Consideration and Approval on Recommendation of Contract Extension with TPG + Parsons
- Consideration and Approval on Recommendation of Contract Extension with Sewell Advisory Services
- Consideration and Approval on Change Order to C F Jordan Construction on Construction of Southeast Campus New Entrance Road
- Consideration and Approval on Change Order to Struhs Construction on Trinity River Sidewalk Renovation Improvements
- Consideration and Approval on Board Renewal of Mark McClendon to City of Fort Worth Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Districts and Appointment to TIF #3
- Consideration and Action on Items Removed from Consent Agenda
- Committee Reports
- Finance & Audit Committee
- Governance Committee
- Consideration and Action on Committee Recommendations
- Consideration and Action on a Resolution on Taxation of Goods in Transit
- Consideration and Action on Proposed Institutional Naming Policy
- Monthly Financial Report
- Financial Summary Update
- Review of Income and Expenditures
- Review of Investment Portfolio
- Chancellor’s Report
- New Staff Introductions
- Campus Accolades
- Recent Activities:
- September 16, Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) program Recognition, Susan Combs, State Comptroller, Trinity River East Campus (TREC)
- September 16, Accepted Trailblazer Award for Sustainable Development for the Trinity River and Trinity River East Campuses presented at the 5th Annual Downtown Fort Worth Inc, Luncheon, Omni Hotel
- September 17, -Speaker- Score A Goal In The Classroom School Initiative, Trinity River Campus
- September 20, TREC Tour with Local Business Leaders
- September 21, TREC Tour with Mayor Betsy Price, UTA President Jim Spainola and UTA staff
- September 21-22, -Speaker- Congressional Black Caucus Forum, Washington, DC
- September 24-25, -Keynote Speaker- College and University Professional Association Human Resources, Orlando, Florida
- September 25-28, Education Nation Summit, New York, New York
- September 28, -Honoree- North Texas Commission Annual Luncheon, Irving, TX
- September 29, -Speaker- TCCD Quarterly Vendor Brief, Trinity River Campus
- September 30, -Speaker- District Archives Open House, Northeast Campus
- October 1, Trinity River East Campus Open House
- October 5, -Speaker- Texas Community College Instructional Leaders Conference, Omni Hotel
- October 11, Texas Higher Education Board Formula Funding Advisory Committee, Austin, TX
- October 11, Association of Community College Trustees Board of Directors Dinner, El Centro College, Dallas, TX
- October 12, Texas Association of Community College Trustees and Administrators Conference, Hyatt Regency, Dallas, TX
- October 12-15, Association of Community College Trustees 42nd Annual Leadership Congress, Dallas, TX
- October 18, Conversations with the Chancellor, Trinity River Campus
- October 18, Conversation with the Chancellor, Tarrant County College Opportunity Center
- Board President’s Report
- Association of Community College Trustees 42nd Annual Leadership Congress
- Achieving the Dream Update
- Developmental Education Institute
- Closed Meeting:
- Deliberation on Real Property, Section 551.072, Texas Government Code. The Real Property discussion will address the acquisition of property near property owned by the College District.
- Deliberation on Personnel Matters, Section 551.074, Texas Government Code. The Deliberation will include a discussion on candidates for the position of President at the South and Southeast campuses.
- Deliberation on Pending/Contemplated Litigation, Section 551.071, Texas Government Code.
- Consideration and Action on Closed Meeting Items
- Adjournment and Announcement of next meeting: Thursday, November 17, 2011 6:00 p.m.
For requests for ADA accommodations, call 817-515-5242, 817-515-5187 (TTY), or email
Posted 12:25 p.m. Monday, October 17, 2011
Media Contact: 817-515-5212