TCC will honor veterans with a variety of events, most on Veterans Day while some are scheduled Friday, next week and continue through Dec.1. Poppies will be distributed at several observances in honor of veterans killed in war.
Today’s celebrations get under way at 11 a.m. on Southeast and Trinity River campuses. SE’s program is in the Main Commons and later a documentary, “Alive Day Memories” Home from Iraq” will be shown in the Bistro at 1:30 p.m. The Trinity River program will be in the campus cafeteria. At 1 p.m., “Platoon” will be shown in the Discovery Room, TRTR 3102.
Northwest Campus’ observance is at 11:30 a.m. in the Courtyard. The Fallen Angel Concert continues until 3 p.m. It includes a bake sale of goods from Lonestar Elementary School and door prizes. An exhibit of military photos and other memorabilia from the TCC community is on display through Dec. 1 in the Walsh Library.
Noon is the start time for celebrations on Northeast and South campuses. The Northeast observance is in front of the Administration Building. Veterans are asked to wear their BDUs (military-grade tactical clothing) with Unit/Service t-shirt or civilian attire with ribbons/medals.
On South, the program includes a Veterans Day Proclamation, a musical salute by the brass quartet, and distribution of poppies donated by the American Legion Post 569.
More information is available in the Student Activities office at each campus: Northeast, 817-515-6456; Northwest, 817-515-7795; South, 817-515-4206;Southeast, 817-515-3076; and Trinity River Student Life, 817-515-1197.