10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Saturday, May 6
TCC South Campus Gymnasium, 5301Campus Dr., Fort Worth
South Campus
FORT WORTH, Texas (April 27, 2017) – Tarrant County College South Campus will host the 2017 African American Health Expo (AAHExpo) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 6. This year’s theme is “Transforming: Our Lives. Our Health. Our Community.”
Open to the general public, this free event brings together various organizations and communities in and around Fort Worth to address the need for education, early detection, prevention, treatment and access to community resources.
Health screenings, seminars, cooking demonstrations and workshops will be provided. Guest speakers and industry professionals will be on-site to provide continuing education and answer health-related questions at the annual event. Participants can review their screening results with a health coach, who will also provide advice about how to better manage various health issues.
The morning will begin at 8 a.m. with the pre-expo breakfast focusing on “Breaking the Cycle of Disparities” sponsored by Moncrief Cancer Institute, will serve as an important precursor that will examine collective efforts to eliminate prevailing health disparities and promote health equity, encouraging attendees to see beyond disparities toward tangible collective action.
“The goal of the health expo is to educate students and community members about the wealth of resources available on and around campus,” said TCC South Campus President Peter Jordan, Ed.D. “Attendees will learn more about these resources and strategies that help promote healthy lifestyles.”
For more information and a list of participating organizations, email aahexpo@gmail.com or visit www.aahexpo.org.