ARLINGTON, Texas (Aug. 20, 2014) – Five Tarrant County College faculty members, three staff, two departments and one team were recognized Tuesday for outstanding achievements to their students and the TCC community at the annual Chancellor’s Employee Appreciation Breakfast and Professional Development Day at the Arlington Convention Center.
The 2014 honorees as Chancellor’s Award for Exemplary Teaching are Northeast Campus Associate Professor of Music Bobbie Douglass, Northwest Campus Professor of Government Julie Lantrip, South Campus Instructor of Biology Kristina Miranda, Southeast Campus Associate Professor of Mathematics Brunilda Santiago and Trinity River Campus Instructor of Speech Irene Thrower.
Receiving recognition for the Chancellor’s Employee Excellence Awards are District Director of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion Shani Barrax Moore for Access and Diversity, the District Public Relations and Marketing Team of District Director of Public Relations and Marketing Suzanne Cottraux, District Photographer DeeDra Parrish, District Manager of Public Relations Rita L.B. Parson, District Editorial Coordinator Kendra Prince, District Manager of Marketing Sara Rogers and Administrative Office Assistant Connie Wiebe for Forward Thinking, District Men of Color Mentoring Program Team of Director of Student Success and Title III Christopher Douglas, Administrative Assistant Jacqueline Hall, and Coordinators of Student Success Eligio Martinez and Freddie Sandifer, Jr., for Innovation and Creativity, Trinity River Campus Assistant Director of Counseling and Advising Jeronimo Aviles for Service to Community and Trinity River Campus Academic Advisor for the Transfer Center Laura Escamilla for Student Success.
Based on the recommendation of TCC campus presidents, TCC Chancellor Erma Johnson Hadley for the second year presented the special Chancellor’s Distinguished Leadership Award to nearly 300 faculty who made up the District’s Academic Curriculum Teams.
Other nominees for Exemplary Teaching by campus are Northeast: Assistant Professor of Government Joan Johnson and Assistant Professor of Health Science Jeff McDonald, Northwest: Associate Professor of Dance/Humanities Kim Jackson and Associate Professor of Health Physical Education Joshua Tarbay, South Campus: Instructor of Sociology Maureen Hockenberger and Instructor of Marketing John McDade, Southeast: Instructor of English Pennie Boyett and Associate Professor of Mathematics Daniela Kojouharov and Trinity River: Professor of Long Term Care Princess Jackson and Assistant Professor of Geology Jamie Miller.
Additional nominees for Excellence are Assistant Directors of Advising and Counseling by campus: Northeast, Rosemarie Rodriguez Hammon; Northwest, Lilia Covio-Calzada; South, Michael Dupont; Southeast, Renetta Wright; and Trinity River, Jeronimo Aviles; and College Access and Community Outreach Coordinator Lauren Muhl for Access and Diversity; Southeast Assistant Professors of Mathematics Cathy Costello and Sharon Holmes and Northwest Professor of Humanities Adrian Cook and Associate Professor of Dance/Humanities Kim Jackson for Forward Thinking, Academic Triage Team Trinity River Campus Divisional Deans Dreand Johnson and Scott Robinson, Director of Counseling Louann Schulze and Registrar Vikas Rajpurohit and Southeast Instructor of Geology Samantha Caputi and Instructor of Biology Regina Huse for Innovation and Creativity, Northeast Drama Team Instructor of Drama Julie M. Gale, Instructional Associate Laura Mahon and Plant Operator Stephen Thomas and South Campus Math Lab Team Learning Lab Manager Phong Do, Instructional Associates Deysi Estrada, Brendon Hasty, Sergiy Kiselyov, Tuong Ngo, Austin Reeves and Ted Skingel and Instructional Assistants Jaime Gomez, Vinko Kaurin, and Katherine Williams and Instructional Aide Timothy Mushrush for Service to Community and Northwest Instructor of English Tia Cole and District Executive Administrative Assistant Dora Massey for Student Success.