TCC Chancellor Erma Johnson Hadley, TCC Alumna Sen. Wendy Davis, TCC Northeast President Larry Darlage and TCC Foundation Executive Director Joe McIntosh unveiled the memorial. One panel of the memorial honors the 96 distinguished alumni and a second panel lists the names of the honor students recognized by the three divisions – Humanities, Science/Technology, and Business and Social Science. The two are separated by a scrolling monitor that showcases the honorees.
“I began my TCC career as an instructor at this campus when it first opened in 1968. I’m not sure any of us could have predicted that in 2014, we would look back and say we had produced 12,445 graduates from this campus alone! And I’m sure we didn’t envision today’s event to unveil such an elegant memorial highlighting the contributions nearly 100 of our alumni have made to the community,” said Chancellor Hadley. “We are so proud of our graduates and the contributions they are making in their various communities. They are leaders in a variety of areas, spanning diverse disciplines and truly represent the value TCC brings its students as they embark upon their career and educational paths.”
The permanent memorial unveiled Wednesday evolved from the District’s involvement with Achieving the Dream and one of the goals of that initiative: to celebrate student completion and success.
“The whole idea is that students can look at this and say, ‘Wow, I can do that.’ It is to let them know they can be successful too,” said Darlage, explaining the memorial. “Honoring alumni was one of my goals when I came here 18 years ago.”