“I’ve worked really hard for this — to get it done in two years. I’m just really excited about graduating with all these wonderful people.”
“Today means an opportunity to better myself, my family, and my community.”
“I love to make my parents proud. They came here from Mexico just to give my brother, my sisters and me, a better future.”
“It shows that your dreams can really come true and that’s what community college is all about.”
Whether it took a couple of years or a few decades, graduation day was a special time for TCC graduates in 2013. TCC’s 45th Annual Spring Commencement recognized students eligible for degrees from summer and fall 2012 and spring 2013. A total of 5,256 students were projected to earn 6,041 degrees and certificates during this period.
Of that number, 85 veterans took advantage of the opportunity to be among the first TCC graduates to wear the red, white and blue honor cords in recognition of their service. After their degrees were conferred, all graduates received TCC Alumni pins as a symbol of their accomplishments and new status as alums.
“TCC has helped me to grow as a person. and I feel I am more prepared to take the next step in my life.”
“I had a lot of different battles, but thank God that I overcame them.”
“This means moving forward with my life. Looking towards the future –setting an example for my own children.”
This year’s commencement procession was led by gonfalons bearing the names of the various degrees conferred and one for certificates. The 2013 class was the first to receive programs with the new Tarrant County College District seal that was also featured on the podium along with a new backdrop displaying images of the five campuses.
“It means most everything to me. I’m really excited about going on to the next step.”
I’m half way to getting my undergraduate degree…half way to succeeding in achieving the dreams that I really want to get.”
“It means moving up in life. Going to school actually paid off!”