Thoughts of India can conjure up a wide spectrum of images: vast open country, poverty, spirituality, exotic food, rich colors, inequality, and ancient traditions. And while everyone may not agree with all these descriptors, most people can agree that India is this: Intriguing.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about India and the Indian culture, you have a chance to do so at TCC’s India 2013: The Plight of Women, a multicultural summit to be hosted on South and Northeast campuses.
Guest speaker Desiree Livingston, a resident of Ranchi, India, provides an empowering message about India in the 21st century. Topics will range from economic and religious issues, to culture and gender inequality, and will also include more controversial subjects such as bride burnings and the caste system. A question and answer session will follow.
This presentation will provide direction for those searching for global understanding about India today.
South Campus will host the summit on Tuesday, Nov. 6, in the Form Room of the Student Center (SSTU 2207) from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. For more information, contact Women in New Roles Program Coordinator Triesha Light at 817-515-4740.
Northeast Campus will host the same presentation on Wednesday, Nov. 7, from 12:30-1:30 p.m. in Student Center, Center Corner (NSTU 1615A). To RSVP for NE Campus, visit Volunteer Hub.